Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Class Party

We will be having a class party on Friday, December 16. If you are able to help out, we need the following items:

  • carrots (1 lb bag, 6 bags)

  • olives (6 cans)

  • Ritz crackers (3 boxes)

  • cheese (sliced, 31 lbs)

  • pickles (baby dill, 2 jars)

  • 7up (2 liters, 6 bottles)

If you have questions, call Jacqueline 435-760-4040.

Thanks for your help!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Report Cards

Please look for your child's report card on Wednesday, December 7. It will be in the homework folder. You'll find both the report card and a summary of your child's monthly testing results. On the monthly testing page you will also see the homework completion for Grading Period 2. If you have questions, please email me.

Friday, December 2, 2011


The phonograms for December 12-16 are:

igh, e, ey, ea, c, g, igh, p, w, gu, d, b, ed, ci, ti, i, ir, dge, wor, r, ng, ph, er, ur, th, ear, wr, j, ie, ei

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Spelling Words

The spelling words for December 12-16 are:

monkey, myself, noise, pencil, pie, pull, sew, sow, so, steam, thread, thunder, tried, try, vein, except, aunt, ant, capture, else, bridge, offer, suffer, center, front, running, run, rule, carry, chain

Monday, November 14, 2011

Moon Phases

Your scientist is bringing home his/her science journal and a piece of chalk this week. In the journal you will find a page to track the moon phases. Your child will:

  • Look at the moon

  • Shade in the black circle to show how the moon looks

  • Use the Phases of the Moon poster to identify the moon phase (found in the journal)

  • Write the moon phase below the black circle
On a cloudy night, you may check this website to see how the moon should look: click on November 2011 Moon Phases

Friday, November 4, 2011


The phonograms for November 21-December 2 are:

ci, si, ti, d, kn, s, aw, t, wh, z, ei, h, ur, th, c, g, e, oo, ch, o, gn, ew, ar, er, i, u, ou, ie, ow, ea

Spelling Words

The spelling words for November 28-December 2 are:

true, truth, took, again, inform, both, heart, month, children, child, build, built, understand, follow, charge, member, case, while, also, return, office, great, Miss, miss, who, died, die, changing, change, few

Friday, October 28, 2011

Parent Teacher Conferences

Thank you for meeting with me this week. It was a pleasure to discuss your child's success. I appreciate your time and I especially appreciate all you do at home to help develop your child's talents. You have a great kid!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fall Party

October 28 @ 1:30 our class will be having a fall party. To help make this party a success we could use the following items:

2 bags of candy (for decorating cookies)
36 small plates
36 napkins
36 brown lunch bags

Please call Jaqueline Pyne @ 760-4040 if you can help in any way.
Please have your donations to the class by Thursday, October 27.
Thank you for your help!

Friday, October 7, 2011


The phonograms for October 31-November 4 are:

w, k, eigh, c, u, oy, a, i, ch, ow, th, e, ou, ee, er, ea, ng, f, dge, ir, y, oi, ar, gu, ie, n, sh, ear, g, or

Spelling Words

The spelling words for October 31-November 4 are:

early, close, close, flower, flour, nothing, ground, lead, led, lead, such, morning, however, mind, shall, alone, order, third, push, point, within, body, field, belongs, cheese, earn, edge, feather, fence, funny

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Parent Teacher Conference

Parent Teacher Conferences will be held the afternoon of Tuesday, October 25 and all day Wednesday, October 26. Please come in to sign up for a time to meet with me. There is a schedule posted outside my door. Keep in mind that the sooner you sign up, the more likely you'll be to get the time and date you prefer. I look forward to meeting with you!

Junior Scientists

Utah State University has free, family-friendly events on Friday evenings. These are great for your children who have a high interest in science. This Friday, there will be hands-on activities with lasers, astrophysics, smartphone physics and space weather. Here are some upcoming science events:

October 7: Catching Einstein's Waves

November 4: Spider Silk

November 18: Annual Physics Demonstration Show

There is more information on this website:

Friday, September 30, 2011

Plastic Bags

For our science unit next week, we will be learning about gravity. We need a plastic bag for each student. If you have extras at home, please send a few with your child. Thank you!

Friday, September 23, 2011

A-Z Reading

Your child has been tested for his/her reading level. This level determines which books your child can read independently.

In the homework folder, your child will be bringing home a plastic bag. In it you will find a bookmark with book titles and a book to practice reading. Once the book has been read 3 times, please check it off on the bookmark and send it back in the bag. Your child will then receive a new book to read.

When most of the books have been read, we will test your child to determine if s/he is ready to go on the the next level. Once your child gets to level P, s/he is finished with the A-Z books.

The purpose of the A-Z reading is to provide children with both ficition and non-fiction books to read on their level. Early readers often have difficulty finding books they can read. Once they get into the later letters (N, O, P, Q, R, ect.) there are many books available that they are able to read.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Book Orders

Scholastic Book Clubs has made ordering books available to parents online. This company has affordable books with a variety of levels and genres. I buy our classroom books from them because of the price and because I can search for books on a specific reading ability level.

If you are interested in ordering books:

1. Go to and register with your own username and password. Use our class' code: H3ZDB

2. Select the books you'd like.

3. Send your order to me online by Wednesday, November 30.

Please don't feel obligated in any way to buy books! I just want to make this available to parents who are interested.

Fall Festival

For Fall Festival, our class is putting together a chocolate basket. Thank you so much to those of you who have donated to it! We still need more donations, so if you are able to send something with your child, please do so right away.

Also, we still need parents to sign up to help with our class' game booth. We are doing a ring toss and at this point we only have one parent who has signed up to help out. If you're not able to come into the classroom to sign up, feel free to email me and let me know what time you can volunteer at our ring toss booth. The time slots for volunteering are just 20 minutes.

Thanks to those of you who have helped our class with Fall Festival!

Friday, September 16, 2011


On Tuesday, October 4 your child will be presenting a poem in class. This should be memorized at home. Please practice it with your child so s/he feels confident reciting it in front of the class.

Choose one of the following poems to memorize:

I start my swing very soft and slow,
With just enough push to make it go
Then I hurry it up, till I'm going so fast
That the leaves on the trees go rushing past.

I swoop down low, so close to the ground
That I see the June bugs crawling around,
And then so high, so far, and so free
That even the east wind can't catch me.
~Marchette G. Chute

The Rhinoceros
The Rhino is a homely beast,
For human eyes he's not a feast,
But you and I will never know
Why Nature chose to make him so
Farewell, farewell, you old rhinoceros,
I'll stare at something less prepoceros.
~Ogden Nash

An Autumn Riddle
They are seen on the trees,
They are seen on the ground.
They are seen in the air,
Whirling softly around;
They sing rustling songs
As our footsteps they hear,
And their name is well known,
For they come every year.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How is my child doing?

There are several ways you can receive feedback about how your child is doing academically. Here are some:

1. Go to and click the Parent Access to Student Grades, Contacts, and Attendance. You should have an identification number to access your child's current grades. If you do not have this, please ask Carol Bekker, the school secretary, for this information.

2. Graded work comes home on Tuesday in your child's homework folder. This will include the most recent spelling, phonogram, and math tests. You can look these over to see which concepts your child has mastered or those your child is struggling with.

3. Come visit the class at any time to see how your child is participating, what questions s/he is asking, and how s/he is responding to class content.

4. Email me if you have specific questions or concerns about your child's progress.


The phonograms for October 3-7 are:

wr, j, or, t, ew, p, c, ch, th, s, ie, w, tch, ou, ea, ng, g, igh, ow, ck, k, ui, er, ey, o, d, ei, b, a, sh

These phonograms are taught, practiced, and reviewed during the week and tested on Friday.

*If you are not Spalding trained, please do not attempt to practice these at home with your second grader. Not knowing the exact sounds will end up confusing your child.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Egg Cartons!

Your child should have brought home an egg carton today. This is to be used in creating a personal rock collection. I encouraged them to:

1. Find rocks in more than one place to get a better variety.
2. Find at least six.
3. Find ones that can fit in the egg carton sections.

This is something that can be done over the weekend. We will be using them in class for science on Monday, September 19. Please make sure your child has six rocks by then.

Thanks for your help at home!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Spelling Words

catch, catcher, kitchen, butcher, black, warm, unless, clothing, clothes, cloth, began, begin, beginning, able, gone, go, done, do, suit, track, watch, dash, fell, fight, buy, by, stopping, stop, walk, talk, chalk

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Each Friday, we have a child spotlighted in our class. Your child will prepare a poster about him/herself and may bring a show and tell to share with the class.

You will know it's time for your child's spotlight when you receive a letter the previous Friday. The letter will notify you of the date of your child's spotlight and details about what is allowed for the show and tell.

We go in alphabetical order by last name, so this gives you an idea of when to expect your child's spotlight.

Thanks for letting us get to know more about your special child!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Weekly Schedule

Parents have requested information about when your second grader has his/her special classes. Here is our class' schedule:

MONDAY Music 1:45-2:10
TUESDAY Art 8:40-9:50 Computers 1:45-2:00
WEDNESDAY P.E. 1:00-1:25 Music 1:45-2:10
THURSDAY Library 1:00-1:30
FRIDAY P.E. 1:00-1:25

Thursday, August 11, 2011

How To Contact Me

The best way to contact me is by email:

My work number is: 435-752-0123 ex. 651

I am available on school days before 8:30 and after 3:05 in Room 4.

Words Your 2nd Grader Should Know

Following is a list of words your child should be able to read automatically and spell accurately. These are the most frequently used words in the English language. In fact, they make up 50% of all the words your child will read! When your child knows these words well, s/he has mastered half of what s/he will read.

Zeno 107 Most Frequent Words

the not people most know of have them its little and this other made such to but more over even a by will see much in were into first our is one your new must that all which very it she do my was when then also for an many down you their these make he there no now on her time way as can been each are we who called they what like did with about could just be up has after his said him water at out how through or if than get from some two because had would may back I
so only where

You can also find the Zeno word list online. If you would like ideas on how to practice these words with your child, please ask me. I appreciate your help at home and your interest in your child's education. Thank you!