Saturday, August 27, 2011


Each Friday, we have a child spotlighted in our class. Your child will prepare a poster about him/herself and may bring a show and tell to share with the class.

You will know it's time for your child's spotlight when you receive a letter the previous Friday. The letter will notify you of the date of your child's spotlight and details about what is allowed for the show and tell.

We go in alphabetical order by last name, so this gives you an idea of when to expect your child's spotlight.

Thanks for letting us get to know more about your special child!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Weekly Schedule

Parents have requested information about when your second grader has his/her special classes. Here is our class' schedule:

MONDAY Music 1:45-2:10
TUESDAY Art 8:40-9:50 Computers 1:45-2:00
WEDNESDAY P.E. 1:00-1:25 Music 1:45-2:10
THURSDAY Library 1:00-1:30
FRIDAY P.E. 1:00-1:25

Thursday, August 11, 2011

How To Contact Me

The best way to contact me is by email:

My work number is: 435-752-0123 ex. 651

I am available on school days before 8:30 and after 3:05 in Room 4.

Words Your 2nd Grader Should Know

Following is a list of words your child should be able to read automatically and spell accurately. These are the most frequently used words in the English language. In fact, they make up 50% of all the words your child will read! When your child knows these words well, s/he has mastered half of what s/he will read.

Zeno 107 Most Frequent Words

the not people most know of have them its little and this other made such to but more over even a by will see much in were into first our is one your new must that all which very it she do my was when then also for an many down you their these make he there no now on her time way as can been each are we who called they what like did with about could just be up has after his said him water at out how through or if than get from some two because had would may back I
so only where

You can also find the Zeno word list online. If you would like ideas on how to practice these words with your child, please ask me. I appreciate your help at home and your interest in your child's education. Thank you!