Monday, December 3, 2012


Just a reminder that your child's poem is due on Tuesday, January 8.  Please make sure your child is ready to present it in front of the class with a prop, some actions, or sharing their favorite part of the poem. 

How Creatures Move
The lion walks on padded paws,
The squirrel leaps from limb to limb,
While flies can crawl straight up a wall,
And seals can dive and swim.
The worm, he wiggles all around,
The monkey swings by his tail,
And birds may hop upon the ground,
Or spread their wings and sail.
But boys and girls have much more fun;
They leap and dance
And walk and run.


Upside Down
It's funny how beetles
And creatures like that
Can walk upside down
as well as walk flat.

They crawl on a ceiling
and climb on a wall
without any practice
or trouble at all.

While I have been trying
For a year (maybe more)
and still I can't stand
with my head on the floor.

~Aileen Fisher

Little Talk
Don't you think it's probable
that beetles, bugs, and bees
talk about a lot of things--
you know, such things as these:
The kind of weather where they live
in jungles tall with grass
and earthquakes in their villages
whenever people pass!
Of course, we'll never know if bugs
talk very much at all,
because our ears are far too big
for talk that is so small.

--Aileen Fisher


I saw a little spider
With the smartest spider head:
She made-somewhere inside her-
A magic silken thread.

I saw her sliding down it.
She dangled in the air.
I saw her climbing up it
And pulling up each stair.

She made it look so easy
I wished all day I knew
How I could spin a magic thread
So I could dangle too.

~Aileen Fisher

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